Saturday, January 3, 2009

Angel Food Ministries

Many of you know about If you don't, let me tell you a something about it.

What is it? This is directly from their site: Angel Food Ministries is a non-profit, non-denominational organization dedicated to providing grocery relief and financial support to communities throughout the United States.

Who qualifies? Anyone!

How much does it cost and what do I get? For $30 you can get a box of quite a variety of food that is worth around $60. Additionally, they have meat, fruit/vegetable, and the occasional coffee/dessert box. This month they even have a Convience Box that contains fully cooked meals that you just heat and serve. These specialty boxes can range anywhere from $20-$28. Click here to see this month's menu.

Where do I get it? When visiting the site here plug in your city and state, and a list of churches in your area will pop up on the screen. Each church has a different set of deadlines and pick up times so contact them for that information.

How can I get involved? Click here to find out how your church can become a host site.

For additional information visit the website or check out the FAQ page.

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